Sorry I've been so quiet lately. I had to take a lot of really tough courses this year and it's been sapping my creativity, time and drive. The term's almost over and I'm looking forward to a long Summer and a job. I've mostly been tinkering with small projects since the last song I put out; trying out new synths and effects, getting new samples and playing around with my new keyboard controller and adjusting to the new workflow it provides.
But I think I'm starting to get back in to it. I have a basis for each track on my next EP and one track is done so far, and I've already made the album art/music video template. Hopefully I'll be able to get in the mood to finish everything quickly. New songs on the EP will be two DnB tracks, one Ambient/Chill track and one Progressive House track. Then I'll probably throw in Karmafield and superRescue because they don't have homes.
Here's a little preview of the music video. (no sound, just heavily compressed HTLM5)
The Coyote line-art provided for free by:
P.S.: I'm worried about the Audio Portal. The "Popular Audio" section has been shrinking, with only a couple tracks in there each week it seems, when there should be like 8 or so. I kind of rely on getting songs in to that because that seems to be where people go to listen to music the most on this site, aside from the homepage I imagine. Whether Newgrounds changed their algorithms or visitor/contributor counts are dropping, I don't think it's a good thing.